From big holiday celebrations to regular routines like Friday pizza night or a weekend family hike, our family traditions help give our kids strong roots. They communicate the things we value, often remind us about from where and from whom we come, and reinforce that kids belong in a family. They also give us things to look forward to and moments to lift us up out of the day-to-day to wonder, connect and feel joy.
There is also power in another kind of special moment—one that your family experiences with a broader community. When I was a school principal, simple family math nights or silly hat days were huge highlights in kids’ lives because, for a moment, their whole community stopped and did something special together. At Tinkergarten, that moment is the Fall Lantern Walk—a beautiful coming together of tens of thousands of families on the November evening after we turn the clocks back.
To kids, seeing families all over the world share in a moment with them is wildly powerful—suddenly, the meaning of that moment leaps in importance. Seeing people walk with lanterns across the country and embrace the coming of winter darkness has made my kids believe that that is how the world works—and the rhythm of their lives will be sweeter for it.
This year, Tinkergarten is doubling down on these kinds of moments. Each month, we’ll capture and celebrate special moments together—#TGmoments—the ones that help us connect to nature, experience wonder and feel joy.
We'll share simple, sweet and powerful ways to celebrate moments, then let the sharing start! Tag @tinkergarten and #TGmoments when you share photos. Follow #TGmoments to see how other families around the world are celebrating with you. We'll keep reposting and sharing on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, too! Want to celebrate outdoor play every day? Join in the fun and inspiration in our free OutdoorsAll4 Facebook Group, too!
First up: Groundhog Day on February 2, which marks the halfway point between the first day of winter and the first day of spring. Humans have marked this day with celebrations of light, shadow and hope for centuries. Check out our post with simple, sweet and powerful ways to enjoy this moment as a family and as part of the hundreds of thousands of families in our Tinkergarten community.
Make sure you are signed up for our mailing list to capture all of the #TGmoments we'll celebrate with joyful, outdoor play this year. We can’t wait to celebrate together!