It’s Daylight Savings, which means it’s time to jump for joy!!
Most of us will feel the boost of an extra hour of daylight Sunday evening. How can we seize that extra hour? Get outside, jump for joy, and share!
This weekend, most of us will “spring forward,” turning the clocks ahead one hour. What we’ll feel, though, is the sudden gift of an extra hour of sunlight at the end of the day this Sunday, March 14th.
Studies show that our moods lift when we suddenly win back an extra hour of sunlight and outside time in the evening, just as the loss of that hour in the fall can dampen them. One year ago this weekend, the world closed down, and, for many of us, we weren’t sure when it would be OK to be joyful again. A hard year later, things are more hopeful—and it’s time to capture joy wherever it’s available.
Slowing down to sense joy and share it with our kids also helps them to better recognize emotions—one of the three pillars of empathy. When we celebrate special moments—even small ones—we teach kids how to hunt for joy, something we know helps them thrive today and in the long haul.
The loss of even one hour of sleep can also throw off our circadian rhythms—and kids tend to feel shifts in sleep the most. The good news? Time in natural light and physical activity can help counterbalance the impact of the time change—all the more reason to get out and jump!
Finally, celebrating the extra hour of sunlight this weekend not only gets kids hooked on joy, it’s an easy way to help them embrace how our world is always changing.
Here’s three ways to celebrate:
No matter how you’re playing outdoors, take a moment Sunday to celebrate and JUMP FOR JOY! Jump up and down, jump over things, play jumping games. See a puddle? Go. For. It. If jumping is physically challenging for you or someone you love, raise your arms toward the sun or move in whatever way feels joyful to you!
For kids, jumping is a naturally exciting and wildly fun thing to do—and great for their senses and growing muscles, too! Be sure to jump yourself, on your own, with kids, with other grownup friends—there are so many ways to bring in this element of JOY!
Share your jumping photos and videos! Tag Tinkergarten and use #TGmoments on social media. Or, join and post in our OutdoorsAll4 Facebook Group—a community dedicated to celebrating joyful learning moments outdoors!
Enter to win
Just to make the day extra fun, we’re awarding a Jump for Joy prize bundle that includes a kids’ pair of Bogs rain boots, a free series of Tinkergarten AND five of our favorite books that spark JOY! You’ll get an entry every time you tag a friend on our Jump for Joy announcement on Facebook or Instagram. Plus, we add an entry every time you share a photo or video of jumping for joy, as long as you tag @tinkergarten and #TGMoments or share your joy moment in OutdoorsAll4.
We’ll go live across social media on Monday to announce the winner, and we can’t wait to see and share all of the JOY this community will jump to generate!
Keep Celebrating!
Love to celebrate joyful moments outside? Download our free monthly calendar, filled with special moments like this one, community events and DIY outdoor play activities for every day of the month!