Search for Signs of Spring!

As February ends, signs of spring start to pop up. Download or print an activity sheet to help your family search for signs of spring and read more about what to look for! This activity is featured in our February Activity Calendar. Don't have a copy yet? Get your free copy at!

The Guide

Step 1: Download your own Signs of Spring worksheet

Look over the sheet with kids. Print out a copy or two, if you like. You'll see it's designed to be used anywhere. And, it helps kids use their five common senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste) to find signs that spring is coming!

Step 2: Head outside to sense signs of spring.

Head outside and start using each sense to find things that tell you spring is on the way!
You can bring the sheet with you and draw or write down what you find, or just use it to guide your exploration. The value is in the journey and the sensing!
Things to look out for:

  • Things to SEE— What are animals doing? What new plants are growing on the ground? What is happening on the trees? What does the ground look like? In the Northeast, we love to look for buds on trees and brave little flowers like snowdrops or crocus. Check the Farmer's Almanac to find signs of spring in your area, too.
  • Things to HEAR— Get really still. What do you hear? Are there more songs in the air? Do you hear peepers or insects yet? Are things melting or dripping wet?
  • Things to SMELL— Take a deep breath. What do you smell? Do you smell earth? fresh leaves? any flowers?
  • Things to FEEL—Crouch, sit or lay down. How does the earth feel? Gently touch a plant. How does it feel? How does the air feel on your cheeks?
  • Things to TASTE—If you want to encourage kids to taste things outside, make sure that you feel comfortable with what is safe. We love to taste field garlic—the brave, curly onion grass that grows early in our area. OR, you can bring spring tea and snacks on your walks and just enjoy a little celebration of whatever you've found!
Pro Tip: To help kids use senses other than sight, encourage them to close their eyes. We are so reliant on sight that it can overpower the others, so turning it off helps the other senses shine!

Step 3: Observe changes over time.

If late February is still feeling too much like winter, sense the last bits of winter, and try again in a week or two! Spring shows up in its own way in different parts of the world, but no matter where you live, all you need to do is slow down, use your senses and pay attention. You'll start to see how spring makes its entrance in your neck of the woods—and it's pretty magical to notice the change as it's happening—especially if winter has felt looong!

Want more ideas like this? Try out our Pick Plants for Pollinators DIY or our Treasure Hunt DIY. 

Why is this activity great for kids?

Searching for signs of spring helps kids to:

  • Become more alert to their surroundings, helping to develop focus.
  • Bolster their senses, essential tools for learning.
  • And connect to the natural world and it's rhythms and cycles.
Plus, it's a fun way to make your outside time extra special. 

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