Hunt and Hide Out Anywhere

This week at Tinkergarten Anywhere, we take on different perspectives as we explore the needs of prey and predators in the wild. In this activity, kids pretend to be bunnies, imagining what they might need. Then kids can build bunny hideouts for themselves and their Forest Bunny. As they build, kids can test their hideouts by taking on the perspective of a wolf hunting for food for its pups and packmates.

The Guide

Step 1: Watch the Tinkergarten Anywhere Hunt and Hideout video lesson.

Hop into your My Tinkergarten trial dashboard to watch the Hunt and Hideout video lesson. Kids can watch how Meghan and other explorers play like wolves and bunnies. Then, kids can get inspired to play like both creatures and create hideouts for themselves or their forest friends!

Step 2: Play like bunnies! 

Pretending and moving like others creatures is a great way to help kids take on the perspective of others! Hop or run in a zig-zag like rabbits do to escape predators. Or, try some of these rabbit games:
  • “Hop”stacle course (any # of players): Place a variety of nature treasures in a straight line or a zig-zag pattern on the ground. At the end of the path, place a string or make a circle shape with nature treasures. Invite kids to hop along the trail to safety in the rabbit hole. 

  • Freeze and Hop (any # of players): The leader yells “Hop!” and everyone hops until the leader yells “freeze.” When frozen, players stay as still as they can to camouflage in to their surroundings. Extra challenge: all players need to hop in a circle, a zig-zag or from point A to point B. 

  • Bunny, Bunny, Wolf! (4+ players): Just like Duck, Duck, Goose, but the child who taps heads is a bunny. Child says, "Bunny" each time until they tap someone as “Wolf!” The “wolf” chases around the circle and back to their seat. 

Step 3: Make a bunny hideout.

Wonder together what kind of hideout a bunny might need to feel safe from wolves and other predators. Chat a bit to generate a list of the criteria needed for a good house. Some examples: big enough to fit the bunny; easy for the bunny to get in and out of; bunny can’t be seen from the outside; withstands wind, rain, etc.

Help kids gather materials and offer teamwork as feels supportive as they build their hideout for a pretend rabbit, stuffed animal or for their Forest Friend. Or, welcome kids to pretend to be a rabbit and make a hideout big enough for them to fit inside. Three approaches that kids in Tinkergarten classes have used:

  1. Use the hole in the bottom of a tree and cover it with branches, greens, etc. 
  2. Make a small lean-to against a tree using sticks covered with leaves and grasses.
  3. Dig a hole and build a stick and mud roof over the hole.

Step 4: Play like wolves.

Test your hideout by moving like a wolf and seeing through their eyes. Welcome kids to imagine that they are a parent wolf looking for food for their hungry pups and packmates. How easily can kids find the bunny hideout? Invite kids to adjust their hideout to make it even more hidden.

Extend the Play:

Predator/Prey Hide and Seek—Play a rabbit/wolf version of hide and seek. Where can bunnies stay hidden from the wolves? How can wolves use their sense of sight and smell to find rabbits?

Indoor Hideaway—Use couch cushions, chairs, tables and blankets to make an indoor hideout to spark even more pretend play. Read our Cozy Hideaway DIY Activity for more ideas.

Camo Hunt—The color of rabbits’ fur helps them to camouflage with their environment and keep safe from predators. Try our Camo Hunt DIY activity to help kids playfully explore the concept of camouflage.

Why is this activity great for kids?

In this activity we use pretending as a tool to help kids take on the perspective of two very different yet connected creatures—rabbits and wolves. That ability to take on another's perspective is at the heart of cognitive empathy.

Pretending to be animals not only supports perspective taking, it turns animals into allies, connecting children to other species in profound and lasting ways. It is easy to identify with and feel empathy for the rabbit trying to escape its predator, but helping kids understand the needs of the wolf trying to feed its family helps kids empathize with both predators and prey and learn that all creatures have needs.

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