Fall Wishes

The official start of Autumn is September 22nd. Try some of these super simple and sweet ways to make fall wishes and teach kids to hope, set intentions and enjoy the cycles of the year!

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The Guide

Talk About the Change—Talk with kids about the fact that a new season is starting. Wonder together about what the four seasons are and how fall will feel, look, smell, sound and taste different from Summer.

List Your Hopes—Make a list of the things you hope to do or experience together in Fall. Do you pick pumpkins? Have you always wanted to check out that harvest festival two towns over? Is Halloween something kids are into? Making a list or even just talking about what is coming in the next season gives kids a sense of all that lies ahead and helps them develop a sense of present and future. Plus, we all love having things to look forward to!

Little kids may have trouble remembering and contributing to this, and their emerging sense of time may raise more questions about when all of these hopes will come true, but it's still good for them to listen in and get exposed to hopeful thoughts about the season to come.

Make a Fall Adventure Jar—Brainstorm a list of all kinds of autumnal adventures you would like to take. This can include places you'd like to explore, hikes you'd like to try or some of the hopes listed above. It can also include micro-adventures like eating a caramel apple or making an apple pie.

Write each idea down on a different slip of paper, then place all of the papers in a large glass jar, box or other container. You can decorate the container with fall colors or nature treasures to make it special, too. Throughout the fall season, pick a slip out of the jar every time you have a chunk of time open for adventuring!

Make Wishes or Intentions—Seasons bring new sensations but they also bring the opportunity for a fresh start. That makes the start of a new season a great time to make wishes or set intentions for something you'd like to do differently.

Is there a project or a goal you'd like to take on this season? Maybe you'd like to hike each weekend or spend more time outside? Is there something you'd like to change or do differently as a family? Maybe you'd like to move dinner a little earlier so you can enjoy a walk afterwards. Is there something you hope happens for someone you care about, your community or the world? Maybe you can help make sure that people in your community have warm layers as the weather gets colder.

Why is this activity great for kids?

Just like a new year, the start of a new season is the perfect occasion to teach kids about the cycles of life and to set family wishes and goals — something that sparks hope and helps kids develop a sense of time and a strong foundation in persistence and grit (one of the 8 Tinkergarten skills kids need to thrive)!

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