My Friend, the Tree

Trees provide kids with much of the wonder they find in the natural world, and they can inspire curiosity, connection and gratitude in all of us.

Start to lean into all that trees can inspire for kids by taking a walk together to a special tree in your yard, neighborhood or a local park. Here's how!

The Guide

Step 1: Get inspired.

If time permits, read about why trees are our greatest teachers in this blog post. It will help to ground you in the activity and give you some really interesting ideas and facts to talk about with your kids. If you can carve out an hour or so for grown up time, watch Judy Dench share her passion for trees in this fascinating and inspiring documentary. You will never see trees the same way.

Step 2: Head outside and find a tree.

As you walk, hike or even just move from building to car to building, notice and remark on the trees you pass. Talk about their size, shape, color, movement—anything you notice about them.
Pick a special tree and get to know your tree using multiple senses. (Get up close and feel the bark against your face or hands, listen to the leaves rustle or what it sounds like when a stick rubs against it, sniff the tree.)

Step 3: Give your tree a name.

Now that you’ve spent some time observing your tree with all of your senses, focus on your connection to the tree. There are many ways to do this, but a great route to take for kids is to name their tree. Slow down and wonder with kids about what they think the tree’s name is. What are the qualities the tree has that most stand out to kids, and can those maybe inspire a name?

Step 4: Get to know your tree.

Invite kids to join you in noticing and appreciating what is special about your tree. You can also use the prompts in these Get to Know a Tree Cards for ideas.

Or, try some of these fun ways to learn about your tree:
  • Climb, if you can. If there's a limb low and strong enough to start, climb! Click here for tips on safe climbing for kids.
  • Measure your tree using a rope or your arms or a tape measure. 
  • Make faces. Use mud or nature treasures to make a face on your tree or decorate it.
  • Entertain! Sing songs and tell jokes to your tree.
  • Again and again. Visit the tree over time and through different seasons to see what stays the same and what changes--both physically with the tree, as well as with your relationship to the tree.
  • Do some research: Get to know the scientific name for the tree and learn something special about it. Download a free app like LeafSnap or Virginia Tech Tree ID to help you easily identify trees by their leaves, fruits and other features.

Why is this activity great for kids?

Trees offer ways to climb and build motor skills, persistence, and self reliance. They are often a key part of the setting for our greatest feats of imagination. Observing trees with all of our senses naturally develops curiosity and a base in a wide range of STEM concepts. Finally, once they spend real, quality time with trees, they stand the chance to be more grounded and empathetic as people and certainly more prepared to protect both these amazing plants and the planet that supports us all.

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